Trip Report: Par Avion Southwest Wilderness Day Trip

I’ll be honest, this is quite a lot more than just a flight trip report, but it was amazing, I couldn’t not share it.

We (Me + Mum & Dad) arrived early on a Friday morning at Cambridge Aerodrome, we checked in and after a quick briefing from Oscar (our guide for the day) we boarded our plane, along with 4 others plus Oscar and the Pilot Gavin. Our plane was a 9-seater Britten Norman Islander, pictured below. Gavin offered me the front seat next to him, I couldn’t believe it but obviously said yes (being a kid has its perks!) we taxied along and took off to the north, unfortunately I was too in awe of the plane’s cockpit and was too busy admiring the views to take any pictures on the flight down. I made a mental note to take some pictures on the flight back.

After a fairly smooth 40 minute flight, we touched down on the Melaleuca Airstrip, which I’d like to think is one of the most remote airstrips in the world. We got off and headed to the boat, for the next 5 or 6 hours we cruised around Bathurst Harbour, the Bathurst Channel and Port Davey. I could use words to try and describe the scenery but I don’t think it would be enough to describe the sheer amazingness of it. Instead I hope these pictures below do some justice to what we saw.

We had 2 breaks throughout the day, the first was for morning tea at the site of Clyde and Win Clayton’s old house, which was really cool.

And we had some company in the form of a little, not at all shy Pademelon.

The other break was for Lunch on Balmoral Beach, which as this picture can attest to, had some stunning views.

Lunch was ok, it was supplied by New Town Grocery Store, the chicken, ham and bread were all nice, the rest was not so much.

After lunch it was time to return to Melaleuca. We had a quick walk around before reboarding the plane, as I promised to myself, I took some photos on the way back as we flew over the mountains and over Hobart.

We landed back in Cambridge and sadly that brought an end to a fantastic day, a huge thanks to Par Avion, especially to Oscar and Gavin who helped make the day as epic as it was.

I hope you enjoyed this blog, I can’t guarantee when the next one will be but stay tuned, which will be easier to do once I’ve added a subscribe button!

NOTE: This blog was originally published on my old website in Feburuary 2022

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